Thursday, July 28, 2011

To Clean Or Not To Clean

. . .that is the question!  Several days ago I was speaking with a client, who will go unnamed, who was returning full time to the professional work force.  She was trying to budget in-maid service for her home because, with her new work schedule, house work was going to be very difficult for her to get to.  As I was explaining different price options to her, and she was listening intently, I stopped in mid sentence.  Now, I don’t ever like to turn business away, but to me, good business is always thinking about what is best for the client as opposed to oneself.  I could tell in her voice the uncertainty she was feeling about going back into the work force full time and the regret she was feeling about having to do so.  It is unfortunate that for so many of us, we need dual incomes to support our families.  There is an intangible value to a parent pursuing a career in the home, as opposed to the professional world, that is often not recognized or appreciated.  Pursuing a career in the home often requires the same hard work, self- sacrifice, and dedication that professional occupations such as the Military and Highway Patrol require.
Anyway, I stopped in mid-sentence during my conversation with the client because she was going to increase her maid service budget with me because she was going back to work. However, was going back to work really in her best interest? How much of her paycheck was she really going to keep after she paid for gas, the wear and tear on her vehicle, eating out, dry cleaning, new office clothes, new makeup, lawn care, maid service, and child care.
These are just a few of the obvious expenses.  Then there are the intrinsic expenses which I won't even begin to delve into.
Sometimes, I wonder if it is really worth the price to go back to work for the few dollars that one can make when the value of staying at home is so precious?  Now, for many, that is not even a choice, and I understand that, trust me, I understand.  I’ve made a business out of it.  But sometimes the answer is not in going back to work when there is an economic crisis.   Sometimes the answer is not what you make, but what you keep.  One good thing about the recession is that there is a wealth of information out there now on how to live on the cheap.  Couponing resources are excellent.  Also, a lot of women have amazing skills that can be turned into cash flow without having to go and retain a job that has a lot of expenses.  For instance, good with social media? A lot of women are, but most businesses are clueless.  Offer your expertise,   People will pay good money for that, and you can do it at home! Bi-lingual? Offer tutoring classes for high school students.  Like to garden? Sell your transplants and cuttings.
There are many ways to succeed financially and thrive off a one person income, it just takes some creativity and ingenuity.  The rewards can be far greater than any additional income.  But in case that is not an option or even a goal, you can always give us a call at Hubbard’s Maid Service. We will keep your house clean so that precious time that belongs only to you can be utilized in the manner that you want it to be.
Ashley & Nicole Hubbard
Hubbard's Maid Service
Office: 912-961-9131


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